Santa Susanna - Blanes - Vidreres

Road 11: Santa Susanna - Blanes - Vidreres

A relatively short route, with a few inclines, suitable for getting into shape. It can be combined with route C7 (Santa Susanna-Lloret de Mar-Sils-Hostalric). Heading back up the Tordera river basin, it crosses rural landscapes and woodlands, the South of the district of La Selva as far as Maçanet and Vidreres, and then drops down towards the SW as far as the Costa Brava, allowing those who so wish to take in the lively town of Lloret de Mar, with its extensive hotel and leisure facilities. Particular mention should be made of the climb after leaving Vidreres as far as Lloret Blau, covering 6 km with inclines of up to 15%.

Towns: Santa Susanna

Passeig Maritim

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