From Mataró to Argentona

Route from Mataró to Argentona

Very easy round trip route between the municipalities of Mataró and Argentona. The route starts on Mataró’s promenade where you will quickly find, through the city's bike lanes, the path running parallel to the Argentona stream. Around kilometer 5, we will be able to discern a vestige of the old streetcar route between both towns, and in this section you can still see the tracks.

Once in Argentona, we will return along the path of the Sant Jaume de Traià side of the stream bed until we reconnect with the previous route.

Points of interest on the route:

  • Mataró train station
  • Mataró marina
  • Laia l'arquera monument
  • Argentona stream
  • tram tracks


Towns: Argentona, Mataró


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