From Alella to Sant Mateu

BTT 1 - From Alella to Sant Mateu

Circular route in the vicinity of Alella that climbs the steep slopes that gain access to the Serra de Marina. Once at the top, you can enjoy the panorama and cycling along the Camino de la Cornisa. The Serralada de Marina coastal mountain range extends from the Besòs valley to the Argentona stream bed. Although its moderate altitude does not exceed 600 m, it exhibits the unique characteristic of rising abruptly between the coast and the Vallès plain.

The mountain range is protected by the Serralada de Marina Park (3,032 ha), which occupies the sector known as the Serra de la Conreria, and the Serralada Litoral Park (4,053 ha), which covers the northern slope. The two parks meet in the municipality of Tiana.

Partially signposted route.

Towns: Alella, El Masnou, Teià, Tiana

Alella- Sant Mateu

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