Stage 5 - Camino de Santiago (Way of St James) Via Marina

Stage 5 - Camino de Santiago (Way of St James) Via Marina

This is the flattest stage of the Via Marina. It connects the capital of the Maresme region with the Barcelonès region by means of a 25-km route that crosses the region from north-east to south-west following the Maresme coast.

The itinerary will guide the pilgrim along many of the promenades of the lower Maresme (Mataró, Cabrera de Mar, Vilassar de Mar, Premià de Mar, El Masnou and Montgat) and the Barcelonès region (Badalona and Sant Adrià de Besòs) where you can explore the ecclesiastical and architectural heritage.

Many sections of the Maresme are signposted. However, it is recommended to use the Wikiloc app to follow the route more precisely.

Towns: Cabrera de Mar, El Masnou, Mataró, Montgat, Premià de Mar, Vilassar de Mar

Passeig Marítim

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