Valley of the Pineda stream

Valley of the Pineda stream (SLC-101)

The route starts in Pineda de Mar at the parish church of Santa Maria, near the underground pedestrian crossing of the N-II road. The first documentary reference to this temple is its act of consecration carried out by the bishop of Girona in the year 1079. The route enters the valley of the Pineda stream and passes through agricultural areas and forest landscapes of great environmental value. It then crosses the stream and climbs the Coll dels Altars before returning to the church of Santa Maria via Sant Jaume. The main points of interest on this itinerary are: Santa Maria, Rectoria Vella, Can Cànoves, Roman aqueduct of Can Cua, Sant Pere de Riu, Font del Ferro, the Can Marquès mill, the Can Marquès lime kiln, Montpalau and the Sant Jaume chapel.

Towns: Pineda de Mar, Tordera

Pineda de Mar

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