Castell de Santa Florentina

Audio-guided visit to the Castle of Santa Florentina

The Castle of Santa Florentina is built on top of an old Roman town that in the 11th century was converted into a fortified farmhouse to combat the pirate incursions of the time. At the end of the 19th century, its owner Ramon de Montaner entrusted his nephew Lluís Domènech i Montaner with the restoration and extension.

Domènech i Monaner was one of the greatest exponents of Catalan modernism and took charge of a spectacular renovation of the complex, with stained glass windows of various designs, large pieces of marble, wrought iron and sculptures, turning it into a residential palace of summer with medieval and romantic touches, fused with modernist style.

Santa Florentina Castle opens its walls for audio-guided tours throughout the year, from Tuesday to Saturday. Audio-guided tours are offered in eight languages and accompanied by a guide along the route, passing through the courtyard of arms, the throne room or the night rooms.

Towns: Canet de Mar