Best practices an recommendations
Before traveling
Before traveling to Maresme with your pet, we recommend that you plan your stay. This will help you to avoid possible unforeseen events and allow you to enjoy your visit from beginning to end.
It's never a bad time for your trusted vet to do a medical checkup on your pet, especially if you plan to travel. As we have said, this will minimize the possibility of unforeseen events that could have been prevented by planning in advance.
Plan your stay and locate in advance all the services you may need to make your pet comfortable. For example, you may want to locate a nearby dog daycare center for your friend to rest, while you engage in an activity your pet can't attend or that could be stressful for them.
The rabies vaccine is not mandatory in Catalonia. Thus, if you travel here from inside Catalonia you will not need this vaccine.
In order to travel to Maresme with your pet from an EU member state, they must:
- Be identified with a microchip, or tattoo (if it was done before 03/07/2011) and as long as it remains legible.
- Be vaccinated against rabies with a valid vaccine at the time of travel and included in the passport.
- Have a European passport for the movement of pets.
- No exceptions are granted, and dogs, cats and ferrets less than 15 weeks old, and therefore not vaccinated with a valid rabies vaccine, are not allowed to enter Spain
Important: When returning to your place of permanent residence, if this is the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Finland or Norway, in addition to the above, you must treat your dog against Echinococcus multilocularis between 24 and 120 hours prior to your arrival in the country.
For other cases, we recommend that you consult Spanish embassies and consulates in your country of residence.
Useful links:
At the destination
The Maresme region is proud to offer a tourist destination that is clearly committed to enabling visitors-accompanied by their pets-to enjoy the environment in a responsible way and in line with the principles of sustainable tourism.
Maresme boasts a wealth of protected natural areas as well as urban areas, each with their own regulations regarding the possession of animals. For this reason, we provide you with a range of best practices to follow:
- Animal owners are responsible for ensuring that their pets' behavior does not disturb the activity of either residents or visitors.
- Dogs are required to wear a collar and be on a leash or chain that does not cause damage.
- Pick up animal feces from public places and clean affected elements, especially in urban areas and areas with large numbers of visitors.
- Do not abandon pets.
- Dogs categorized by law as potentially dangerous, in addition to being on a leash, must wear a muzzle.
We also recommend that:
- If you want to enjoy a good stay in establishments, restaurants or accommodations, book in advance and let them know that you will be accompanied by your pet. That way, you'll be better served.
- Check beforehand and comply with the access policy for clients with pets, and be respectful of other guests of the establishment.