Advice and good practices

Advice and good practices

In the Maresme we are fortunate to enjoy natural areas of great value, with parks such as the Serralada Litoral, Serralada Marina and the Montnegre-Corredor. Preserving them is everyone's responsibility. We encourage you to enjoy the parks and their surroundings, leaving the area as you would like to find it, with the smallest possible trace of your presence.

For this, we suggest that when you visit the Maresme on foot, keep in mind that:

For more information, visit the Barcelona Provincial Council Natural Parks website.

General recommendations

  • Protected natural spaces are places where you can practice outdoor activities and discover our natural and cultural heritage. Use the network of marked trails and paths.

  • It is the responsibility of visitors to take away the waste generated by their activity and recycle it.

  • Human presence and activity have left a series of architectural and artistic manifestations over time. This rich heritage must be respected.

  • Respect nature and the tranquility of the surroundings. Avoid making unnecessary noise.

  • Pet owners are responsible for ensuring that their behavior does not disrupt the activity of both park residents and other visitors.

  • Keep your dog on a leash. Special care must be taken with the behavior of your dog or other pets, especially when you are in the vicinity of other people, a farmhouse or a herd of animals.

Safety tips

  • Plan your route and always bring a map to guide you.
  • Always stay on clearly marked or signposted trails and paths.
  • Wear appropriate footwear, and bring water, food, comfortable clothing and a coat, as well as a cap, sunglasses and sunscreen.
  • If you're walking in a group keep the other members within eyesight. Never abandon or leave behind a fellow traveler.
  • Strong winds can cause branches and other elements to fall. On crests or ridges, there is a greater risk of accidents. In conditions of strong wind, avoid exposed areas.
  • In case of fog it is easy to get disoriented; do not leave the main trail.
  • In the case of showers or thunder and lightning storms, stay away from ridges and summits, isolated trees and cave entrances. A dense forest can provide shelter.