Route 3: Sant Iscle de Vallalta - Sant Cebrià de Vallalta - Sant Pol de Mar






Saps què?


A long time ago, when fantastic beings such as centaurs, faunas, satyrs, Oreads, Dryads and nymphs lived in Montnegre, some of them stood out for their beauty: the water ladies.

About 3 km from the village square, towards the North-West on the way to Vallgorguina, at Can Maresme valley and following the stream there is a spot where the water formed a pool and a cavern where its leafy terrain and thick vegetation gives it an esoteric appearance. In daylight, only a small ray of sunshine can filter through so much darkness, it is a charming place.

This is the place where legend says these nymphs used to live and on full moon nights, they washed their ethereal clothes, spreading them on the grass while singing softly and dancing subtly.

Once, a strapping young shepherd decided to take a rest near the cool stream, but suddenly woke up attracted by the sweetest of voices. Enchanted, he, little by little and without making noise, got closer to the place to spy over a scene he had never seen before: beautiful women dancing, with bare feet and legs, long hair and wrapped in ethereal veils that shook to the beat of a strange and enchanting music.

Out of all of them, he felt attracted by one, who saw him, but without saying anything continued her dance, even more ecstatically. The shepherd thought it was all a dream, but on the next full moon he returned to the same place to find the truth: he heard those harmonious voices again and also saw the woman he liked. After getting to know each other, the couple escaped to live in the forest.

After a while, the nymph was expecting a son. It was the first time that a nymph was pregnant by a mortal and therefore, when the child was born, the nymphs did not know how to help their fellow nymph. They were shouting desperately around the pool, when an old lady who lived in Can Patiràs, the nearest house, listened well to the prayers of those exotic women. They went down into the stream and one of them, holding a rod in her hands, opened up the waters of the pond: there underneath everything was light, as if the sun, the moon and all the stars had all come out at the same time.

The woman from Can Patiràs helped the young woman in childbirth and so her companions, to express their gratitude, filled her apron with something they told her not to look at until she got home. On her way back, the woman was feeling her skirt wondering a thousand times what it might be that the nymphs gave her. Finally, she could not control her curiosity and before arriving home, she took a look at it: it was just a pile of bran! Disenchanted and angry, she threw it all away because she had plenty at home! But when she arrived, her family was marvelled at her grandmother's apron: all the brans crumbs left in the apron's creases had turned into pure gold. Enraged, the grandmother went back to pick up what she had thrown away, but she could not find anything. She stumbled down to the stream, where out of despair, jumped into the water. She was then swallowed in punishment for her curiosity.

The young shepherd who threatened the tranquillity of the divinities from the forest was condemned to wander through the mountains of Montnegre forever and ever, and even now, on full-moon nights it is said that one can hear the sad wails of the young man looking for his beloved and the woman who drowned by the stream in greed.








In 1898, Spain lost its last colonies Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. This period was known as "The Disaster of '98" and provoked a deep demoralization and socialcrisis.

For the Catalans it was also an important change. Many families had relatives in Cuba, since many men had gone there to "make a fortune". Many returned to Catalonia, as well as soldiers who had gone to battle (a quarter of the Spanish soldiers were Catalan).

Relations between Cuba and the Catalan territory were very close due to regular and established commercial relations and family and personal ties. A testimony of this are the many Catalan surnames that still exist on the island.

Rum, sugar and tobacco from Cuba were highly appreciated and popular, especially for the Spanish bourgeois of the 19th century. Also, from this Caribbean island came a new musical genre: the habanera.


This autochthonous music from the island, in Cuba was simply known as "canciones" (songs), but the Catalans renamed them after its city of origin, Havana. And that's how they still call them.

Although it was known before, it was from 1898 that the habanera became enormously popular: sailors and fishermen from the coast learned these songs which they sung in many marine taverns. They talked about love and war and the Caribbean landscapes the sailors once had known. They were somehow nostalgic but also daring and hot.

Here, in Catalonia, they also acquired a satirical character, a relevant force. The songs learnt by the sailors in Cuba were later sang here, where they were also learned by other fishermen. Throughout this process of oral tradition, these songs suffered modifications, which made it difficult to know the original version. Obviously, at first the habanera was sung in Spanish and later it began to be catalanized, acquiring its own character but maintaining the original themes and rhythms.



Una de les havaneres més conegudes és "El meu avi", que diu així:

El meu avi va anar a Cuba
a bordo del "Català"
el millor vaixell de guerra
de la flota d'ultramar.
El timoner i el nostramo
i catorze mariners
eren nascuts a Calella,
eren nascuts a Palafrugell.

Quan el "Català" sortia a la mar
els nois de Calella
feien un cremat,
mans a la guitarra solien cantar,
solien cantar: Visca Catalunya! Visca el "Català"!

Arribaren temps de guerres
de perfídies i traïcions
i en el mar de les Antilles
retronaren els canons.
Els mariners de Calella
i el meu avi enmig de tots
varen morir a coberta,
varen morir al peu del canó.

Quan el "Català" sortia a la mar
cridava el meu avi:
Apa, nois, que és tard!
però els valents de bordo no varen tornar,
no varen tornar, tingueren la culpa els americans.



One of the best-known Habaneras is "My grandfather," which goes like this:

My grandfather went to Cuba

aboard the "Catalan"

the best warship

of the overseas fleet.

The helmsman and the boatswain

and fourteen sailors

were born in Calella,

were born in Palafrugell.

When the "Catalan" went out to sea

the young boys from Calella

were drinking fruit punch with rum,

with their hands on the guitar,

they would often sing,

Long live Catalunya! Long live the "Catalan"!

Times of wars arrived

of treachery and betrayal

and in the sea of the Antilles

the canyons resounded like thunder.

The sailors of Calella

and my grandfather among them all

died on the decks,

died while manning the canyons.

When the "Catalan" went out to sea

my grandfather shouted:

"Come on guys, it's late!"

but the brave ones on board never came back,

they never came back,

the Americans were the ones to blame!