Front and rearguarrd route

Front and rearguarrd route

This route aims to visit the most emblematic places and buildings of the rearguard and the front in the Maresme. We can locate some of the factories in Mataró where war material was manufactured and the Salesian school, which was hospital to the International Brigades in the same city. In other towns, such as the church of Sant Vicenç de Montalt, we can still see a projectile in the façade from the fighting against Italian troops at the end of the conflict, the large anti-aircraft shelter of Calella or the mines of Malgrat de Mar, which were used as a gunpowder magazine.

Many shelters were built by the civilian population itself, following instructions from the Passive Defence Board of Catalonia, which indicated both how anti-aircraft shelters should be built and how the civilian population should behave in the event of aerial bombing.

Historical context:

The towns of the Maresme region remained in the rearguard for most of the war, but they still played a very important role in the conflict. In fact, the military garrison in Mataró, the Light Artillery Regiment No. 8, rose up and was part of the military coup, although its fate followed the failure of the uprising in all of Catalonia. The revolution of the early days of the war also led to the burning of some ecclesiastical buildings in different parts of the Maresme. With the beginning of the conflict, many Maresme militiamen went to the different battle scenarios, such as the operation on the Balearic Islands and especially the Front of Aragon. Later, with the creation of the People's Army of the Republic, many men from the different towns of the Maresme were called up and took part in defending other fronts, such as the Segre or the Ebro.

In the rearguard towns of the Maresme, hospitals and refugee reception centres were set up and some factories changed their production to adapt it to the needs of the war. Like other towns in Catalonia, the towns of the Maresme suffered aerial bombing, which led to the construction of anti-aircraft shelters in order to protect the population.